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Javascript Programming Examples

The following programs were created for one of the TOP 4 steel joist manufacturers in the US.

The first demonstration calculates and shows visual representation of added weight to Joist Girders. Click the 'Add RTU' button (or others) and replace the text box information with your own to see it in action.

Calculate Additional Loads to Joist Girders.
All Length inputs like: 12'3.75 (50' Bay Width shown)
Choose the added load style button, as many as req'd.

G2-G3 Bay Width (Ft'In):










The below program calculates and shows visual representation of the tedious task of calculating where skewed end slots should be placed to accomodate bearing bolt hole locations. Click the calculate button to see it in action.

Generate your skewed slot locations:

The above images show required input. Change below input to match your criteria.

Beam Degree:   Joist Degree:
X dim:  (In):  Joist End (L/R):
Beam Ga (In):   Joist Ga (In):


Beam bolt holes shown below in joist end image are merely a representation and not to scale.  Depending on input, in rare instances the holes may be drawn off canvas, unable to be seen.

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